viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

A Woman’s Social Security Checklist

􀀀 Review your yearly benefit estimate to find out what you’re eligible for at different points in time. To request a free estimate or to apply for benefits, go to or call 1(800)772-1213.
 􀀀 Understand that if you divorce, you will only be eligible for spousal benefits if your marriage lasted at least 10 years and you remain unmarried. Read more about Social Security and divorce online at 􀀀 If you’re married, review your husband’s annual benefits estimate together. The longer your husband works, the higher your benefits will be. 
􀀀 Save as much as you can, and get help making investment decisions if you need it. Social Security is not supposed to be your only source of retirement income, so don’t rely on it that way. For help figuring out how much you’ll need in retirement, use the free retirement planning calculator at 
􀀀 When planning for your retirement, factor in the taxes you’ll have to pay on your benefit if you make above the earnings limit. You can estimate your taxes at, under Retirement Planner. 
􀀀 If you decide to apply for benefits later than age 65, you still have to call and apply for Medicare benefits three months before your 65th birthday. Call (800) 772-1213.
 􀀀 Pay attention to the Social Security reform debate! We owe it to each other to rally in support of this program that protects so many women from poverty as they age.

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