jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

#6: How to Apply for Social Security Benefits

When you are eligible to begin receiving Social Security benefits, you will need to apply for them. They don’t start up automatically. The application process is pretty easy. You can call (800) 772-1213 or apply online at www.ssa.gov (if you aren’t applying for survivors benefits). Or you can call the 800 number to set up an appointment to apply in person at your local Social Security office. You may need several documents within reach when you apply, such as your:
• Social Security card
• Birth certificate
• Military discharge papers if you served in the military
• Proof of citizenship or legal status if you weren’t born in the United States
• Most recent W-2 tax form
• Bank name and account number, so your check can be directly deposited into your account each month.

If you are applying for benefits based on your spouse’s earnings, you’ll need his birth certificate and Social Security number, as well as your marriage certificate.

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